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Step 1


Let's introduce ourselves!


Let's introduce ourselves!

Hey there you,


Yeah, you! 😁


Welcome - we're glad you joined the Spotify Community!


While you here, let's have a fun game and get to know each other better!


The game is simple: 


Find the latest comment and hit reply > comment to say hi! 👋 to this user and then introduce yourself in a new post:

  1. What's your name?
  2. Where in the world are you?
  3. What's your favorite track at the moment?
  4. When did you start using Spotify?
  5. Share a random thought/fun fact etc!


Let's go 🙂



🌟 Star tip: you can switch to threaded view to find and answer to greetings from other Community users! 

1,144 Replies

Spotify does a pretty good job of figuring out what I like, and giving me more of that - and then the occasional outliers that make me go search for even more music.  I also use Chosic to find pretty decent music that's both similar and just different enough to pique my interest.

Hi folks!


— Nico here

—Los Angeles, CA baby!

— oh this is always a tough one. Alright we’ll go with a super ‘unique’ sort of high tempo mixture of Trance/EDM/DnB with incredible vocals called Beloved by the artist Devault

—Started using Spotify since I was like 20 I think? Has Spotify been around that long?! I’m getting old. But it’s always delivered, especially Discover Weekly. Completely blows certain competitors out of the water *cough* 🍎 🎵 *cough*
— Fun Fact: At 22 years old I had an offshore trading account for foreign exchange contracts based in Bulgaria 💀 (legal, I think….?) 


Bank tellers at Chase SO thought I was money laundering when I wired funds to the account to fund it hahahaha 

I'm in New Zealand, and I will be cancelling my premium subscription if they keep interrupting my music with an AI bot. Spotify says "just push stop or click another song. What??? I got Spotify to listen to music while driving my car, just like millions of others. I can't take my eyes off the road to press stop. It's dangerous and it's against the law



- My name is Jonah 

-I'm in Texas 🤠

- At the moment I've been obsessed with Mais Que Nada - Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66

- I have had Spotify since 2014 (YAY 10 Years!!!) I can't imagine using anything else. I got my life's worth of songs saved.

- Fun fact! Los Angeles, California is closer to El Paso, Texas than the east most city of Texas

gone gone/thank you by Tyler is one of my favorite songs of all time. Also aren't rare occasions from Australia? 

gone gone/thank you by Tyler is one of my favorite songs of all time. Also aren't rare occasions from Australia?

Hey ☀️ here's Margarida, currently living in a seaside country - the Atlantic ocean, Portugal.

I started Spotify with this song

in 2017 and Katastro is still in my fav bands list.

Nowadays I'm enjoying Almost Monday band and this song is one of them 

Music and the sea are the heart of my being!!

Hey, can you explain what's happening here?  Are you using the "AI DJ" or just playing from your own playlists? 
Also check and confirm you're definitely signed into Spotify.
I'm in NZ too and have no issues.  


I am John, and from Denmark. I love must rock, and my favorites band is Kent - Sadly a retired Swedish rock band. I have being on Spofity so many years now that I can remember when starting.

we have a duo premium account - everytime my wife uses hers, I cannot use mine. It just plays what my wife is playing.

We both use Iphones, and both have our own logins. but when she plays music, it stops whatever I am playing and plays her song on my phone.

Can you please let us know how we can each play our own music at the same time?

1. Qué tal! mi nombre es Alex

2. Actualmente me encuentro en la ciudad de León, Guanajuato, México.

3. Mi canción favorita actualmente es "La Durango" de Peso Pluma, Junior H y Eslabón Armado.

4. Comencé a utilizar la plataforma hace aproximadamente 10 años, por ahí del 2013, 14.

5. Algo que me pasó cuando comencé a dar a conocer mis playlist es que una de ellas tiene un nombre muy peculiar, "Tololoche Chicoteado" y muchas personas no saben que el instrumento "Contrabajo" también se le conoce como "Tololoche". es muy de la gerga popular mexicana. 🎧😅

1. What's your name? I'm Opal! :3


2. Where in the world are you? Sweden


3. What's your favorite track at the moment?: Probably My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstone 


4. When did you start using Spotify?: The account i currently use for about half a year or something (i forgot-) , but Spotify in general for 2 year


5. Share a random thought/fun fact etc!: I'm a Pine Marten and Racoon therian who is very much obsessed with Hazbin-


  1. What's your name? Hi. I'm David.
  2. Where in the world are you? Tokyo, Japan. 
  3. What's your favorite track at the moment? "What's Left" by Aimée, from "Cry the Big Tears.
  4. When did you start using Spotify? In about 2020
  5. Share a random thought/fun fact etc! I am a pro songwriter and screenwriter. 

Hey, my name is Juliana “lajuli” Tamayo, I'm from Cali, Colombia, and my favorite track right now is Modelito by Mora, I started using spotify back in 2014 approximately or earlier, can't really remember! A random fact about me is that I can move my ears without clenching my jaw or by touching them😂

What's your name?

Call me Kris 

Where in the world are you?


What's your favorite track at the moment?

Rude Buster from DeltaRune 

When did you start using Spotify?

Recently (less than a month I'd say?)

Share a random thought/fun fact etc!

Fun fact about me is that I'm raising chickens!

Why discontinue the car thing?? Please open source it

Im Dan but you can call me Daniel. I reside in Schenectady NY. Top track at the moment, Spirit Of The Radio, by Rush. I'm new to Spotify and I'm discontented. I'm considering going premium but only with clear answers to my questions 

Hey Daniel, nice to e-meet you! 

  1. What's your name? - I'm Austin
  2. Where in the world are you? - From the Philippines
  3. What's your favorite track at the moment?
  4. When did you start using Spotify? 2017

Why are you discontented? Do you mind sharing? 🙂

Hey, I’m Diadline from Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Right now, my favorite tracks are "Bleachers" by Templuv and "Ditto" by NewJeans. I've been using Spotify for about six years. Random thought: I sometimes dream of making a music video, but I’m too shy and don’t have the right camera.

Astonishmeant would be and understaement, if u rem 2007 . Peace and Love People ❤️


Im almao it OIOT



Starla Moonshadow, whose unique insights and support have been instrumental in navigating this path. Starla has been a beacon of wisdom and creativity, helping me to harness the full potential of the tools and opportunities offered by Spotify.


track is:


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Been here for an while, was just now when 😃



Deep gratitude for the incredible support and opportunities.


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