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Related artists feature is gone...


Related artists feature is gone...

Just wondering why the Related artists feature seems to be gone?? I really liked that, being able to search related artists instead of typing in every band or artist in the Search bar...Anyone know what happened??

7 Replies



Where did it used to be? When I am on an artist page, on the app, if I scroll down, there is a section entitled "Fans Also Like" that seems to be what you're looking for. Maybe I am mistaken.


Hmmm....I don't see that, it used to be there as of Monday,  but it's gone now...I am using a Samsung galaxy s22....

Here's what I see..



That's odd. I would bring it to the attention of a moderator, or they will respond to you as promptly as possible. 

I chatted with one on Wednesday,  they said it had been temporarily removed? But it was being looked into as I'm not the only one upset by its removal...



That’s a bummer. I’m sure it will get corrected soon. 

And it's back! All is right with the world...


Carey on....

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