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Spotify widget gone?


Spotify widget gone?

  • I just noticed that the Spotify widget has disappeared from my homescreen.  I thought I had removed it by accident, but when I checked the widgets, I noticed that it has disappeared there as well. Does anyone else have the same problem or is it just me?
89 Replies

Also, you keep saying that Spotify pays the artist more, but a quick search reveals a different story. 


Prime pays $0.0663649 per stream


TIDAL pays $0.0162451 per stream


Spotify pays $0.0038015 per stream


So Spotify actually pays artist less. 

Artists have told me to use Spotify because it pays best, so that's what I
do. There's a reason why all the artists i listen to use Spotify as their
main platform.
Idk, you're gonna see a lot of different things online

The artists (usually) only see (or care about) the total amount they get paid from each of the streaming services.  So...if Spotify has 3x as many listeners, artists are going to get paid more even if Spotify pays half of what other services pay.


But if Spotify loses subscribers because...for instance...other streaming services actually LISTEN to their paying customers...then those other services will pay more (overall) AND they will be able to increase the size of their catalog. 

Economics 101.




To add insult to injury, the Lock Screen controls do not work properly on my S8. Hitting pause only stops the music for a fraction of a second and then Play resumes.


Put that widget back, Spotify! Senseless step backwards from user's point of view.

Same for me - Galaxy S10. Sometimes it pauses, sometime it doesn't. Same thing with my bluetooth headphones remote - sometimes the buttons work(play prevous, pause/start) and sonetimes I need to restart the app to make it work!

I have no problems 😁 my love for Spotify is real ❤️❤️❤️ I'm sorry so many
people are crying over this

For real. Spotify you got me **bleep**ed up. Bring this back...

Just use galaxy watch. It has a spotify widget built in or you could use its built in player to control your spotify all from watch. Including volume up and down! 

I am speechless, BRING BACK THE WIDGET. Feels like theft and betrayal. 

Hi there I found a way around this if you want to keep the widget. Unistall spotify from app and then download previous version from here......


Then stop spotify from updating itself in the playstore, that version still has the widget.



I'm glad someone was finally smart enough to figure that out

Great answer, thank you.

Just dont forget to uncheck the auto update in the playstore by going to my apps and games clicking on spotify and then the 3 dots at the top right of the screen and unchecking it there.

Screenshot_20190825-135015_Google Play Store.jpg

Will do, thank you.. 👍

I would still prefer the widget reinstated but [in the meantime?] I've finally found a use for my S8's Bixby button! Launch Spotify instead 🙂


Yeah ! Why did they get rid of the widget on the latest update ? This is absurdly stupid . 

What's the point of a smartphone that you can configure to your liking if you can't have the active music/listening app available on the home screen? I now have to unnlock the phone and go into the Spotify app everytime I want to skip a track, pause it, whatever. Spotify doesn't even appear in the swipe-down bit at the top. Why? Why? Whyyyyyyyyyy?????

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