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What if Spotify had a social media component?


What if Spotify had a social media component?

Apologies in advance if this is not the right forum for this. I really just wanted to get in touch with people working at Spotify (developers? managers? i really don't know), but so far I'm not having any luck figuring out how to do that. However, I might as well float my thoughts here, as I'd love to hear you guys' thoughts. Maybe this has been suggested a million times before. 


So, I spend a lot of time making playlists and a lot of time looking at those made by other users. And I often find myself wanting to get in touch with those users to talk about music. As it is now, however, there is absolutely no way to post any info about yourself on your user page, let alone chat with others. If you wanted to float your contact info, you'd have to either post it as the name of a playlist or have, say, "oskar1986_on_ig" as your actual username. I think this is a massive wasted opportunity. I don't know how many people used the DM part of something like (or use it on Soundcloud), and of course it's possibility that, were it implemented on Spotify, it'd mostly just be an underused feature that wasn't worth the cost of programming to begin with. But does anybody know whether this is something that's been discussed? Thanks!


1 Reply

Hey bud! Welcome to the community! 

this is definitely the right place to post it 😄 and as far as social media components go I think this is as close as they’re going to get to it. People do actually exchange playlists and songs and stuff on here, it’s a pretty nifty community…. Give it a shot! You may end up digging it here 😌

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