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How can we play a song in iOS native app using Spotify Web Playback SDK?

How can we play a song in iOS native app using Spotify Web Playback SDK?




My Question or Issue


What I have tried is I have made one HTML page and used this page in SFSafariController and played a song but I am facing some issues. (

1. How do I need to manage authentication? Every time user opens this webpage then every time the user needs to authenticate?
2. If the app went to the background, the app stops playing a song and never plays again until we refresh the page.
3. I have achieved to play a song using Web API of Play( Without using Web API is this possible?

I will be grateful for any help you can provide. Thanks in advance.

3 Replies

If you are creating an iOS app, then you should use the iOS SDK to control playback, not the web SDK.

Thank you for the reply. I have used iOS SDK first but every 30 sec remote connection disconnects. So every time I need to connect appremote. For appremote connections my app jumps to Spotify app.

I would like to second this. I currently have to open a web browser in my app to be able to do playback because it the ios player keeps disconnecting. This has all the problems listed in the first message. 


Will there ever be a fix for this?



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