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Partnership for Spotify Open Access

Partnership for Spotify Open Access

Hello Spotify Developer Community,

I am Luis from Catarse '', a crowdfunding and membership platform hosting numerous podcasts and musicians. We aim to become an approved partner for the Spotify Open Access API to enhance the experience for podcast creators and listeners on our platform.

We kindly request guidance on the partnership requirements and process. Any advice from community members with experience in Spotify Open Access API partnerships or relevant contacts at Spotify would be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance.

3 Replies

Hi Luis! It's great to hear about your interest in Spotify Open Access. Could you send me a direct message in the Spotify Community with some more info about Catarse?

Thank you, Josh!

I have just sent the direct message. Can you confirm that you received it?



Co-founder and Co-Ceo

Hi Josh,


I am Josh from JustCast ''. We aim to become an approved partner for the Spotify Open Access API to enhance the experience for podcast creators and listeners on our platform.

We kindly request guidance on the partnership requirements and process. Any advice from community members with experience in Spotify Open Access API partnerships or relevant contacts at Spotify would be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance.


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