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Please continue supporting iOS/Android streaming SDKs

Please continue supporting iOS/Android streaming SDKs

We have been using those SDKs since they became available.


Our particular app (Amazing Slow Downer) lets the user play music more slowly, since a couple of years ago also songs from Spotify. The "ios-streaming-sdk" is a beautifully designed framework that lets an audio developer do practically everything needed.
In our case it makes it possible to access the raw audio samples and this way process the sound and then playback the processed audio using our regular audio playback engine. With your new SDK this is not possible. It might be that the "ios-streaming-sdk" is more difficult to use for an average developer but that also makes it more powerful.


We have many users that uses Spotify. Many users switch from other streaming services such as "Apple Music", Tidal, Amazon Music etc to Spotify just to be able to slow down streaming music in real time.

We believe our app gives Spotify many many new subscribers, so many that it would actually pay off for Spotify to maintain the "ios-streaming-sdk".

We only use "playlist" functions and after fixing a couple of bugs in the "metadata framework" available on github, everything works 100%. Although there are certainly some bugs in the “ios-streaming-sdk”, they are very few and don’t affect our app.


We also have an Android version of our app that uses your Android streaming SDK and it also works very good.


We believe Spotify will loose thousands of users, so many that the minimal cost Spotify need to spend on maintenance will pay off manifold.

Since our app also supports playback and slowing down of streaming Apple Music, many of our users will probably switch from subscribing to Spotify to subscribing to Apple Music.

You write:

"After September 1st, important functionality in the streaming SDKs will stop working."
Exactly what does that mean? What part of the SDK will continue to work?

Please continue supporting iOS/Android streaming SDKs!

Rolf Nilsson
Roni Music

936 Replies

I am heartbroken that my music slower-downer app doesn’t work with my Spotify account. What a crappy thing to do to your users, Spotify… You guys have no idea how much being able to slow down guitar parts has completely transformed my playing and helped me learn parts I never in a million years thought I’d ever figure out. As a guitar player, it has literally been life-changing. Shutting those apps down like that has really negatively impacted my life, so I thought you should know it had wide-ranging consequences. Using the Amazing Slower-Downer was one of the highlights of my musical life, to be quite honest with you - it opened so many doors. Please reconsider this decision.

Please bring Spotify support for Amazing Slow Downer back 😞 it‘s essential for me as a musician

Please make Spotify work with ASD again. This is the main reason form me to chose this platform over another. 

i´ve got the same problem, im learning drums and used the app amazing slow downer to slow down songs on spotify, but since 1. septembre it´s not possible.

Bring Spotify back to Amazing Slow Downer! Or allow your own streaming service to do the same as the ASD. What is the reason for removal from the app? 

I have had a family subscription to Spotify for years and never considered other alternatives- until now. Losing ASD support is a major bummer that will have me look into moving to another service. Please reconsider and reinstate support for the Amazing Slow Downer.

I’m so **bleep** off about this. Please reconsider this very stupid decision. I’ll be leaving Spotify if this doesn’t get sorted out! ASD is such an essential tool and the Spotify integration was the reason I went premium. 

I support this request without any restriction. It was so important for me to use this option, as i write compositions for my saxophone-quartett.

Always improving with the passage of time. But I think it's time for them to jump into hi-fi like their other competitors. Another bad detail is that they have removed the SDK support that made streaming work in boom that has better equalizers and gives a great improvement to sound quality. He continues to have an incredible catalogue. I would like them to reach an agreement with the developers of boom 3d. His equalizer is better than yours, the 3d effect, everything was superior. I had bought the application to enjoy the catalog Spotify's superior over its competitors. The sound produced with this synergy was far superior to a tidal hi fi. I know I don't make a difference with these comments, maybe they'll be read by a machine Or maybe if one person reads them. Hope I get an answer.. you guys are amazing!

I am a longtime Spotify user and a user of Amazing Slow Downer(ASD). I use the 2 apps to learn songs for my bands since ASD allows me to slow down the music so I can better hear the notes and techniques used to play the instrument for sings I want to learn. It has been a valuable tool for me until Spotify stopped supporting it. 

I am asking that  you please reconsider your decision to not allow access to ASD. After being a loyal Spotify user for the last decade I am now looking to end my Spotify subscription and go to Apple Music because it fully supports ASD. 

I'm very much in the same boat. This change to the API has stifled my growth as a musician. I listen to jazz on Spotify all day many days, and it was wonderful to be able to add songs to a playlist for further study with ASD. That crucial part of my practice now has no substitute. ASD + Spotify is an amazing combination, they belong together. Please find a way to make them work together again! I don't want to have to switch services.

Please bring back Amazing Slow Downer to access Spotify playlists! I am a professional musician and educator and I used it ALL THE TIME! It's the only reason I came back to Spotify after switching to Tidal. Now I am thinking of switching back to Tidal and telling all my friends and colleagues to do the same!

Spotify please reconsider this, I’ve used ASD for a long time to help me transcribe a ton of music. You’ll be losing a customer here as I’ll switch to Apple Music if this isn’t resolved. 

Dear Spotify,

After a decade or so of Spotify membership, mine has expired today.  Your platform is all I wanted in an audio streaming platform.  And when I began to use Amazing Slowdowner several years ago and realized how much the ASD/Spotify combo quickened my ability to learn music by ear, I was ready to buy a lifetime subscription.  The combo is more important to me by far than either one is individually.  So my suggestion is restore the ASD accessibility, or perhaps build in the ability to slow down, loop, and change keys into your own software.  Then I’ll be back.  Until then, I’m off to Apple Music.  They still play well with ASD.  You don’t.  Caio!

Dear Spotify,
You are so powerful and actually rich. You could buy Amazing Slow Downer and make it an advance music player in your app and then you become even more powerful and more attractive for musicians. I was with Amazing Slow Donwer for many years and combo Spotify and ASD was fulfilment all of my dreams. But instead I read almost every day that someone resigns from Spotify becuase of lack of support for ASD. Please do something. Please give us an answer what are your plans to ease musicians live and help them to teach music. I am staying with you because I still have hope that you are planning to do something to support again ASD or to do something simillar or better. You are able to do this. Please let me also know if you are not intrestet in this.

Spotify, PLEASE reconsider your decision to withdraw support from this. It is an invaluable app for many musicians at every level. It's incredibly useful for music education and helps to support the next generation of musicians. As an educator and arranger I am absolutely lost without it - if support is not reinstated my only choice will be to cancel my subscription and move over to Apple Music.

Spotify, bring this back or I will have to leave your service. This is a major loss for musicians. It’s bad enough that you don’t pay us properly, this is another kick!

I need to be able to slow down audio to teach my students and have many students who need this functionality to become better musicians. Please reconsider this position. 

That was one of the reason to subscribe to Spotify.

Why did you stop this SDK?

Hey Spotify,  Why spoil a good thing.  ASD is a great product and many of your premium members use it with Spotify.  How about getting ASD functionality with Spotify working again? 

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