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Questions about Access to All Tracks and API Rate Limits

Questions about Access to All Tracks and API Rate Limits




My Question or Issue


  1. Access to All Tracks: I am wondering if there is a way to access information about all tracks available on Spotify. Is there an endpoint or a method that allows me to retrieve data for all tracks at once or in batches? I am particularly interested in understanding how I can retrieve a large dataset of tracks for analysis.

  2. API Rate Limits: Additionally, I am curious about the rate limits imposed by the Spotify API. Is there a limit to the number of requests my backend can make per day? For example, can my backend handle up to 1000 requests per day? I would appreciate any information on how the rate limits work and if there are any considerations I should be aware of.

I have thoroughly reviewed the Spotify API documentation, but I wanted to reach out to the community to gather insights and best practices based on your experiences.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

1 Reply

Retrieving a large dataset of tracks for analysis is prohibited by Spotify.

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