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Spotify DJ playlist info/images

Spotify DJ playlist info/images

I'm making a currently-playing screen, and there's some odd things going on when using Spotify DJ.


When the AI voice is active, this is what /me/player/currently-playing returns:



  "timestamp" : 1685246754696,
  "context" : {
    "external_urls" : {
      "spotify" : ""
    "href" : "",
    "type" : "playlist",
    "uri" : "spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1EYkqdzj48dyYq"
  "progress_ms" : 2581,
  "item" : null,
  "currently_playing_type" : "track",
  "actions" : {
  "is_playing" : true



`item` is null, but there's context about the playlist. I figured it would be nice to show the blue with green circle DJ playlist artwork, so I tried to make the request for the playlist from `context`.


So I make the call to, and I get back a 404. I have the scopes user-read-currently-playing, playlist-read-private, and playlist-read-collaborative. I'm using the Authorization with PKCE flow.


When playing from other playlists (public, private, or shared from other users) everything works fine.


I also tried playlists/{playlist_id}/images and that also returns a 404.


Is this expected? Or is there an oversight on the API side for this playlist?

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