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Spotify Quota Extension

Spotify Quota Extension

Hi there, 
I hope you are all doing well. 
I applied to the Spotify Quota Extension two days ago and still haven't gotten a response. I don't know if there is any way I can accelerate the process. 
Also, do we have to re-apply for a quota extension if we decide to release an app update? 
Thank you all for your time.

2 Replies

Hi, when you requested the quota extension you must have seen the note above the submit button.

They tell you that it can take up to six weeks to process your request.

Hi there,


The purpose of my application is to stream radio stations. The application gets information (artwork, preview, etc...) from metadata received by broadcasters with MusicKit and Apple Music API to display them on a playback view. By using a button, the user can be redirected to the Spotify application (if installed on his device) in the Search tab with the terms to search. The user can also Shazam the currently playing track and if he has given his permission a playlist is created in his Spotify account and the track is added to it.


What about how these features work in the iOS release App while waiting for the app to be approved by your team?


What should my app do? Tell the user that the feature isn't working yet?

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