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Being charged for free trial

Being charged for free trial

I signed up for the free account via Facebook on my desktop. No app was downloaded but it was in the Facebook page until I just removed the Facebook app. 


I also downloaded the Spotify app on my Android phone. I signed up for the 3 free months of premium subscriptions. Shortly thereafter I cancelled the premium subscription but the account information still maintained that the free trial was going to be in place for the next 3 months. I should not have been charged for either one of these Spotify accounts. Facebook was free and my Android phone Spotify app was on a free 3-month trial. 


However, I just noticed a charge from Spotify on my credit card that was actually posted on the account. It is no longer pending. It's a hard charge.


How did this happen and how do I reverse the incorrect charge? 




1 Reply

Hey @user-removed,


Thanks for reaching out to us about this!

The best thing to do is to reach out to our Customer Support team here. They'll be able to help you trace the charge back to the account which has an active Premium subscription.


Let us know how you get on! We'll be here in case you need any further help.


Cheers 🙂

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