Hey everyone!
You might have spotted some of the posts of our new team member. So it's high time you meet him. Without further ado, welcome aboard @Yordan 👏

Yordan, can you tell us more about yourself?
Hey, I’m Yordan, I’m 23 years old and I’m from Sofia. I got my bachelor’s degree in Scandinavian studies at Sofia University a few months back, studying Scandinavian history and literature, primarily in Swedish and Norwegian. The Norse mythology, the vikings and mostly, the masterfully crafted music in this region is what got me into further exploring their language, culture and history. Oh, and let’s not forget the magnificent landscapes the peninsula has to offer - while I’ve only observed them through the screen on my phone, visiting the Nordic countries is definitely on my bucket list! I could also call myself a gamer, particularly interested in the fantasy RPG genre.
You mentioned you like playing video games-which one is your favorite?
I’m a huge fan of the fantasy genre, so anything that involves magic and medieval weaponry is right up my alley. Titles like Skyrim, God of War and World of Warcraft have played a huge part in my childhood, the latter being my favorite. I still regularly come back to play them, just for the nostalgia.
And speaking about video games-do you have a favorite soundtrack?
World of Warcraft is my favorite game, so naturally I’ve memorized its soundtrack. Other titles that have great music are Need for Speed: Underground 2 and Most Wanted. Perfect blend of all kinds of genres for when you wanna hit the gas!
As you are now part of the Moderator team and food is one of our main topics, I have to ask-what is your favorite dish?
Honesty, anything made by my girlfriend. But something that stands out is red lentil cream soup. Seriously, try it. I didn’t expect to like it, but it’s become one of my favorites.
And now a questions that is being asked very often, especially in these times- if you can teleport right now, where can we find you?
Probably somewhere in a dark snowy forest in Sweden. Or on top of a mountain peak in Norway. Or in the middle of a desolate meadow in Denmark or Iceland.
Finally, which song can you listen to on repeat and is your guilty pleasure? We all have them 😄
Paramore - Decode. I don’t really care for the lyrics or the vocals (they’re ok, but not my cup of tea) and to me, the instrumental is what really delivers the raw emotion. There are beautiful melodies on this track, followed by some pretty heavy riffs, competent drumming and interesting songwriting to keep things fresh, all of which make for one great track that stands out amongst hundreds of others mediocre ones.
Thanks for introducing yourself to the Community☀️ Folks, if you have questions for Yordan, feel free to post them the comments below.
Happy Holidays! 🎉