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Your 2017 Wrapped



The year is wrapping up. Which means, you guessed it, it’s time for our annual Year in Music aka Wrapped Campaign.


Starting today you can find your personal Year in Music at . You can also access personal playlists at


Wrapped 2017.png



Emails promoting the campaign will be heading out soon, but don’t worry if you didn’t receive one–you can still access your personal stats at and playlists at



Of course we understand you might have a few questions about this year’s Wrapped Campaign, so we’ve outlined a comprehensive FAQ for you below:


FAQs about Wrapped


Q: Will the playlists disappear at some point, even if I follow them?

A: The playlists won’t disappear, we support them like any other playlist.


Q: What’s the link for the browse hub?

A: or spotify:special:2017


Q: What criteria do you need to meet to get your personal data on the Wrapped website?

A: You listened to 5 different artists, 30 different tracks, and 60 minutes of music from Jan 1 - Nov 1.


Q: What criteria do you need to meet to receive the personalized playlist “The Ones That Got Away” in Browse?

A:  You listened to 5 different artists, 30 different tracks, and 60 minutes of music from Jan 1 - Nov 1.


Q: What criteria do you need to meet to receive the personalized playlist “Your Top Songs 2017” in Browse?

A:  You listened to 5 different artists, 30 different tracks, and 60 minutes of music from Jan 1 - Nov 1.


Q: Is my ‘Your Top Songs Of 2017’ playlist in order of what I listened to most?

A: It is for the most part, but it may be slightly mixed to help it flow better.


Q: My 2017 Wrapped year recap or Top Songs of 2017 playlist is wrong, I’m sure I didn’t listen to that music. Can you change them?

A: This can happen for a number of reasons:
- You share an account with someone else.

- You often leave Spotify playing in the background--it can be easy to miss what’s playing
- You’ve left your account available at a party/gathering, where people can add tracks to play