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Lyrics are missing for free users

Lyrics are missing for free users

on spotify it is showing i need premium to see lyrics 💀💀


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215 Replies

tbh i think we should js boycot the app until they give us our actual freedom back

bro mr spotify ceo if you're seeing this please bring back the lyrics for free users. i just want to sing my favorite barbie song at the top of my lungs but i cant if i cant view the lyrics

I recently started using Spotify these last few months and the thing I liked most about it was the lyric function. I didn't feel the need or want to pay for premium before just to get rid of the ads and now with the lyrics situation I feel even less inclined to do so. Another thing that's not ok is the fact that it makes Spotify less accessible for people who are hard of hearing. I saw someone comment on Reddit how they're partially deaf and the lyrics help them understand what's being said and without them it really sucks. Spotify already makes a **bleep** ton of money, they don't need to paywall lyrics just to make more.

Spotify, I don't know and I don't care if this whole lyric situation is a trial run or permanent thing, but you guys need to backtrack that decision immediately because it's not ok and NOBODY asked, needs or wants it.

Not yet, but I wouldn't put it past them to implement that soon, now that they've done that with the lyrics

nargh cuz what the **bleep**, cant even see the damn lyrics without paying hate**bleep**

I had to buy premium because I was tired of not being able to put songs randomly by myself.

It is the same thing for me to

hey Maria , im deaf and i do not appreciate having to pay more because i'm disabled and cant hear the lyrics so i think this really ablest for making people that are deaf like me or hard of hearing to have to pay extra for something they cant control 😞

Eventually you'll need Premium to add music to playlists LMAOOOO

spotify is just a money grab at this point
especially for mobile users

help it's back 😭😭 istg if it's permanent this time im actually deleting spotify

This whole thing is so stupid, not all songs even HAVE lyrics!!
Some people might genuinely not know what the singers and saying and need to the lyrics to follow along.

And most people simply cant afford premium for yet another stupid site.


on the web player it doesn't work for me, neither on the app. Is there any way that i could get for example an app to remove this?

No lyrics on web player now too😡😡😡



this is what corporate greed does

Spotify whyyyy??? You already have an AD after every song, you have a 6-skip limit on mobile, but now you take away lyrics?? This is too much!! Also... a lot of new songs I've been listening to lately don't even have lyrics which is really WEIRD. about 30% of songs I listen to don't even have lyrics even though they are popular. Doesn't make sense to charge premium for lyrics if you don't even have most songs synced. Why are the artists not putting lyrics up?? Why don't they like you? 

Complicated, I just got the message, spotify let's organize this, force the person to purchase premium, it will just drive users away from the app !!!

bro i was using Spotify because it had free lyrics, now that it hasn't anymore I would rather listen on youtube music SO FIX THIS


I hope that you fix this issue, and will consider making this free for the users again because it is kind of dumb to make us pay for the lyrics on Spotify.  

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