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Artist - Top Hits?

Artist - Top Hits?

I'm not sure if this has been asked or brought up before, if it has, my apologies.


When you're using the Spotify application on a computer, when you go to an artist's page, it shows you their top 10 hits at the top of the page, and all their albums below that.


On Android and Windows 8 phones, it would show you the top 5 hits of the artist at the top of their page, with all their albums below.


On the iPhone, it only lists their albums and doesn't show their top hits.  Is this intentional?  Is there a setting to show the top hits for the artist somewhere?


Edit for example:




3 Replies

So Spotify is identical on every platform besides iOS?

Top tracks on artist pages are confirmed to be coming soon on iOS according to the release notes 😉 



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Thank you very much for pointing that out.


I'm glad to hear they're implementing that.

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