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Feedback Request: iOS Offline Issues


Feedback Request: iOS Offline Issues

Hello everyone! Spotify here.
We are looking into customer reports about issues with offlined playlists on iOS devices (music which is downloaded to your phone so you can play without an internet connection). Our investigation shows that some folks might have experienced some issues with this so we were hoping you could answer some questions to help us diagnose the problem.
1. Have you made a playlist available offline which you could not play without any internet connection?
2. Have you made a playlist available offline which constantly downloads when you start Spotify?
Team Spotify
506 Replies

So I've always used offline mode for my playlists (not all of them as I know you can only store 3,000+ songs on your device). However now when I add new songs to my playlist it wont sync to offline mode. So my previous playlists are still available, but any new songs I want to listen to in offline mode will not sync. Help?



I'm also dealing with this issue! Did you find a solution yet? It really annoys me, because I pay for it each month, but can use it properly.. 

I'm also dealing with this problem. Did you find a solution yet?

Update: Since my original post about offline listening issues I have not had any more problems with the offline feature. I haven't done anything differently since I downloaded the mobile iOS app, so I don't know why it started working all of a sudden, sorry I can't offer any advice to users who are still experiencing problems. I have been on the premium service for a little over a month now and the offline mode has been working very well. Hope I didn't jinx myself.

Killing me, Spotify!! 


I have been a huge supporter since the beginning.  I reccommend Spotify to all my friends, and have had premium for over a year.  Recently I started getting jacked by my phone company for date overages, when I say recently I mean, maybe six months or so.  So I started being mroe careful about internet usage while not connected to wifi..


Then I started getting overages WHILE connected to wifi!! So of course, call ATT&T and sort it out, they were nice enough to not directly tell me shove off, and maybe I should monitor my data more closely and the usual.. so I reset all my statistics and watched individual apps usage for a while.


Didn't Spotify suck up 789 MB of data in a single album play, even with all the lowest connection settings?  Wow, thats funny, so I went ahead and disabled cellular data for a while.  I turned it on to play one song while driving - 6 MB.  So I stopped listening. 


Later that same day - BOOM!  Overage text from ATT&T but wait!  I havent even been using Spotify!!! It's been running in the background, but must have been something else...nope.  Spotify.  1.2 GB of data used doing who knows what in the background.  I have it turned off for background refresh, and sync over 2G/3G turned off as well.  What could Spotify have been doing quietly in the background for 60% of a MONTH's worth of my data?  I have no idea.  Besides costing me ten bucks.  Again.  Besides of course the ten bucks it costs me for my subscription (for a free service...)


Spotify, if you're interested in keeping me as a paid customer and a huge proponent, I need a direct message or a phone call, hell I don't care, send someone to my house but *please* reply to me directly, and don't make me come back to the forum every three hours to check.  Happy New Year



Hello there. 

I love Spotify Premium. But!!! Huge issue here: I have synched a playlist to be accessible offline, but playing the synched files is using my data. This is the second time and the second month this is happening. How do I turn my Spotify to offline, without actually turning off the data on my iPhone? I need your help, as this is going to cost me a huge amount on my bill!!

This is an open bug I'm afraid, there are some work arounds over on the bugs topic:

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I have issue #1. I added some songs to an offline playlist a couple weeks ago and the iPad app refused to sync those songs. I made the mistake of unclicking offline for the playlist hoping it would sync the entire list. Now none of the playlist will download. It starts then hangs up about 5 or 6 songs in.
Running up to date iOS 7 on a 4th gen iPad. Spotify app is updated to latest version.

Been using spotify for a long time now on my ipod Touch 3rd gen , Amazing selection of music BUT it's getting so bad over last 3 months ( plays about 2 songs before closing down) it doesn't even remember the last track it played.
I've stripped down to just 2 offline albums, Deezer plays all the way through, spotify closes down. It's better when just streaming. Think I have to give up soon & try Sony.
I've uninstalled & started again 3times now. You should be paying for my time!!!

I can't download music to listen offline on my iphone.  Message says "Upgrade to premium"  which I did.  The different devices are also not reading each other.  Also signed up for premium but still getting commercials when listening on Iphone only.  When everything works its great!

Hi. Please make sure you are logged in with the correct credentials - it's easy to log in with a username instead of your facebook credentials or the other way around. Also check that your account overview shows an active Premium subscription in your account overview.


If that looks good then try logging out and back in on your iphone. If it still doesn't work, please try reinstalling the spotify app.

I spent a couple hours in a back and forth conversation with Spotify Support on Twitter. They had me change my password which reset my account. I had to reset my offline playlist but all sync'd flawlessly. Everything is now working great!

I am currently having trouble making playlists available for offline. I have recently been successful with some playlists, but not all of them. They start downloading and unexpectedly will stop and some tracks with get a red sign on them. I just need some to make these playlists download. I was always satisfied with spotify, I just recently reneweed my membership and hopefully that was the right choice. I am very dissatisfied with this problem and hopefully I will not encounter this problem in the future. Anyways can you guys help me out?

If you are having issues synching, although highly annoying often a clean reinstall to remove Spotify data and then a resync will work.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I had this problem so tried reinstalling the iphone ios4 app... because I am using a IPhone3G I now do not have an installable version of Spotify!


Installation from App Store gives a message that it will reinstall last good version, then once I ploughed on said there is no version avaiable for IOS4 in UK! So now have lost everything on this device.... annoying.

I have an iMac in combination with iPhone 4s and Spotify version in a Premium Account (I pay for Spotify).

I've installed, reinstalled, installed etc..

On the iPhone I see the playlist, like Dido - Greatest Hits and other playlists..

I want to listen to the music OFFLINE when I'm in my car...but..syncen doesn't work at all.

Dido: 0 of 62 numbers.. Spotify sees my iPhone at the same Wifi and connected USB. Put it online, offline etc..

Same with Top 100 Pop Tracks: 4 of 96 numbers..

Hits: 4 of 60 numbers..

Top of the Pops: 50 of 60 numbers..

What a hell. I thought Spotify would give me great LEGAL music.. but it gives me headaches.

Who can help me out?



Schermafbeelding 2014-01-20 om 16.39.20.png

How much free space do you have on the iPhone?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Oeps.. only left 250 MB... you think that is the problem?

Yup, Spotify won't sync unless you have at least 500MB free (recommended 1GB+).

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Sometimes when I try to make a playlist available offline it only loads some songs and never downloads the other songs from the playlist.

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