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Re: Problem

Re: Problem

I have Spotify premium subscription - every time i plug in my i pod it does not appear in the devices - I cannot sync - add files to my local library - spent last two days - no joy.


I did have i tunes originally and every time i plugged in i pod to sync it was connecting to i tunes.


New computer today and still no joy - HELP please - new Australian user - wants the SPOTIFY

3 Replies

@agcarey wrote:

I have Spotify premium subscription - every time i plug in my i pod it does not appear in the devices - I cannot sync - add files to my local library - spent last two days - no joy.


I did have i tunes originally and every time i plugged in i pod to sync it was connecting to i tunes.


New computer today and still no joy - HELP please - new Australian user - wants the SPOTIFY

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


I am going to move your post over onto the iOS board as this is an iOS issue.

What type of iPod do you have?

I would suggest you have a read at the iPod Integration FAQ.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Don't expect any help on here.  I have the same problem and the Spotify support is useless.  My 9 year old son could do a better job than these morons.  I am so angry that I have paid my money and can't use the service.

Community members like myself try our best to support on the community! 

I have left a reply on your own topic, as well as details of how to get in touch with the Spotify team directly. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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