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Step 1


See currently playing playlist

See currently playing playlist

In the iPhone app, once I move away from an album or playlist (search an artist, whatever), I can't find any way to return to that playlist or album. I can see the queue of course, but I want to see the actual playlist that is currently playing. If the queue hasn't been changed, it should be easy to quickly go to the playlist you're currently listening to. It's kind of dumb that you can't. All of the answers I see on this date back to 2014 when people were asking the same question, and it seems it was fixed and then unfixed.




1 Reply

Hey @alexandermusg, welcome to the Community.

Hope you're doing great!

Open the Now Playing Screen and tap on the text above the album artwork (center top of the screen between the down arrow and the …). That will send you to the place that you're playing the music from.


Hope it helps 🙂

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