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Current playing song not updating when using connect

So I have a three devices (two phones, one tablet) which I use to control a Gramafone.

When I play from a playlist, the first song correctly shows it is being played. When that song finishes the next song starts playing - however Spotify stops updating and so the previous song is still showing. The only way of updating it is to tap a different song.

This is what I've tried to do:

  • updated the Spotify app to current in playstore
  • deleted the cache from Spotify app
  • switch between devices (choose another song on a different device, then swap back again).

This is annoying because after a few minutes I cant see what is playing and have no idea where in the playlist Spotify is upto - why is the current song not highlighted in the current playlist? 

Occassionally it gets weirder in that the usual Connect bar at the bottom of the UI only shows that it is playing from a device, it doesn't show what is playing either, and there are no controls to stop it playing etc. Very weird!

Any help appreciated, thanks.



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