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Spotify Premium 2 years - Fido signup - suddenly disabled before 2 years

I got my fido phone activated in august 2016. It is now december, as far as I know it has not be 2 years as it's still 2016!!! I log in to find a message saying my service was cancelled with one of their partners. I know my account was suspended with fido for not having paid in 2 months, however the past due is all paid up and my phone service is fine now, why isnt spotify back up as well???????

Plz Help. I wouldn't of chosen fido if I knew they would take away spotify just for my first non payment and not give it back once Im paid off. I am seriously going to cancel fido all together and never get spotify again if this is the case.

I was enjoying it very much until 2 years turned into 6 months free premium.

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