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Step 1


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Tried resetting my password and I still cant login.

I've tried many times to reset my password but this feature on the website doesn't seem to work. It's very frustrating - I'm paying for a service that I can't use.


I've sent support tickets but not had anything back.


These are the steps I did:


1. Went to this URL in Chrome and Safari on Mac:

2. Filled in my email and submitted the form

3. Got the reset email - clicked the link

4. Chose a new password - submitted the form

5. Get password changed form. Website shows I am logged in

6. Look at my account details - these are incorrect as it says I have a Free account but actually I have a Premium account

7. Try to login to the Spotify Mac client - error message says 'Login Failed'

8. Flip back to the browser and click 'Logout'

9. Try to login using the password I used in step 4. Error message is 'Incorrect username or password'


Using normal login and not Facebook.


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