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Features missing on Nvidia Shield TV (Android TV) Spotify App: Autoplay, normalize volumes.







Nvidia Shield TV

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Latest Android TV


My Question or Issue

Features I'd like on Nvidia Shield TV (Android TV app): Autoplay and Normalize volumes options.


Autoplay is missing: no matter if I am listening to Playlist, a single track or a group of tracks I queued, when all songs are played autoplay doesn't start, the music stops. I really miss this function because it is implemented very well on smartphone, and always pics interesting songs too. I think is necessary in a living room environment where probably I am doing other things and don't have the remote in hands.


Normalize volume: this feature is missing, when playing playlist I often get sudden spike in volume when certain songs start. In a living room environment this feature is necessary since probably I don't have the remote in hand to adjust volumes every song. On the smartphone this feature works nice, especially because it doesn't degrade sounds.

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