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Huge issue with shuffle play. Spotify please fix it soon!



My Question or Issue

Spotify, you have huge bug in your apps (at least the iOS apps, maybe also windows and android?). Shuffle mode does not work at this time. 

To be more precise; when I'm listening to my playlist in shuffle mode and delete the currently playing song from the list, the next song is the 1st song of the list, followed by the 2nd and 3rd etc. So, the shuffle mode is no longer active. It can be reactived by pressing shuffle again. But it will be broken again when I delete the song. 

This is a crucial error for me, using spotify at this time is vcery annoying as i use shuffle all the time (and have to delete songs from my playlists all the time as well). 


Can you please fix this quickly? 








iPhone 6s + iPad air 2

Operating System

iOS 12


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