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"Credit card about to expire" message still comes after updating card information

Me and a family member use the same Premium account, and she, being the person who takes care of the subscription payment, recently updated her new card information after Spotify sent a message about her old credit card (the one she has been paying the subscriptions with until now) being about to expire.

Now, however, despite the card information was updated last week, I still get the pop-up message (on Spotify) about the card being about to expire. The message only began appearing yesterday or today, and reads: "The credit card we have on file is about to expire. Please update your card details to ensure that your Spotify Premium subscription remains uninterrupted." The one that currently should be on the file certainly isn't about to expire. What can I do, or is the application just a few steps late? The payment has been taken care of and there should be no problems about it.

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