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My music has been on Spotify for at least a decade.  Although, the exposure is nice, the payout is unacceptable considering the number of sponsors and subscribers (especially possible premium subscribers) your company has.  Also, considering the profits you make off devices and app stores carrying your product.  Your royalty payouts are paltry fractions of a penny.  Why so low?  This issue should be resolved quickly before more artists find other avenues and begin to remove their music from your streaming platform.  Apple Music's payout is at least $0.01 per stream.  TIDAL's payout is also at least $0.01 (possibly $0.02) per stream.  YOUR SERVICE SHOULD PAY AT LEAST $0.01 per stream.  You've been around for over a decade and has earned massive profits.  It's time that your company increase the pay astronomically, nothing less than a $0.01.  Otherwise, artists will begin pulling their music from your platform and you will eventually lose most, if not all, of your revenue.  

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