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Spotify does not find offline music after disconnecting / connecting the SD card


When I disconnect my SD card and connect it again Spotify cannot access downloaded songs. All playlists and the offline data are still on the SD card are still available but Spotify does not realize that these songs are downloaded. I need to re-download all offline playlists.

This issue happens also some time after restarting the phone as the SD card is only available some seconds after the restart.


What are the steps you took to get to the error/issue?

The error can be reproduced with the following steps

1. download a playlist

2. disconnect the SD card

3. start Spotify -> Spotify shows only a black screen and the menu button on the top left which cannot be clicked

4. reconnect the SD card

5. start Spotify -> this time Spotify starts normally

6. the downloaded songs in the playlist are not available offline anymore


What I expected to happen

Disconnecting and connecting the same SD card should not effect downloaded songs. They should be available.


Did you restart your device when troubleshooting in section B?



Did you read the connection troubleshooting tips?



Your device

Sony Xperia Z1 compact


Device’s Operating System



What type of account do you have?



Space left on your device

9.36 GB


Space left on your External SD card (if applicable)

27.2 GB


Is your device rooted?



Are you using a custom ROM, if so which one, exactly?



Did you manually install an older version before installing the latest version from the Play Store?



My mobile Spotify version


My mobile provider and country

Congstar (D1), Germany


My username



Do you have a Spotify (non-Facebook) login?



Are you logging in with Facebook or with your Spotify login details?

Facebook login


Do you have any screenshots you can attach to more clearly explain your issue?


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