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$9.99 for 1month + 2 free months VS $0.99 for 3 months

$9.99 for 1month + 2 free months VS $0.99 for 3 months

So I saw that if I've used the free trial, then I can't get the $0.99 deal, but I can get the $9.99 deal. 


But Spotify is seriously taunting me with the deal upfront whenever I login to the website telling me to "Upgrade to Premium for $0.99 for 3 months" 


That's kinda rude but whatever. Only part I'm concerned is that my friend who have tried the Trial was able to get the Holiday Deal for $0.99.


Basically my friend got the Holiday deal but I didn't and I'm salty and upset.

3 Replies

Hi there and welcome to the community,

As far as I know, the $0.99 deal is only for new customers who never had a premium/trial subscription before. That is why you can't use that deal.


The 3 for 1 deal is for both new and existing customers. This deal was for new customers only, but has been changed so that existing (free) customers can also use the deal.

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So if I currently have a Premium account (with student discount), I for sure cannot cancel my subscription, then get the 3 for $.99 deal?

I just got spotify last month and have always used it for free. I decided to upgrade to Premium and got the error saying that I was ineligible because I signed up for Premium trial or subscription, which I never have. Any idea why this would be?

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