Help Wizard

Step 1


Credit card Blocked


Credit card Blocked



Wordline blocked my credit card for fraud issues.

Now my card is canceled and I'm waiting for the new one in a few days...


I want to keep my premium account but need to wait for my new card and then reactivate Paypal...


How long can I keep my premium account before it's canceled ?


Thanks forward,



Accepted Solutions
Marked as solution

All you'll lose will be any downloaded music. Everything else will remain as is.

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5 Replies

They usually give a couple of days grace after the next payment date. You might be able to buy a gift card in your country and use that.

Yeah I think I'll have to buy a gitf card in the meantime since it's already been 5-6 days since my payment has been refused (3 tries of payment from Spotify already...).


If my Premium account gets blocked, they don't delete my playlists ?

I hope I'm just losing the possibility of saving music on my smartphone ?


Thanks forward,


Marked as solution

All you'll lose will be any downloaded music. Everything else will remain as is.

Great !

Thanks for your answer.


I'll get a gift card and only have to synchronize again my music if ever lose it. Good news ๐Ÿ˜‰




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