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Not enough data for Wrapped 2017 playlist?


Not enough data for Wrapped 2017 playlist?

When I go to link my account to look at my year in review playlist I get the response,


"Unfortunately, we dont have enough data about how you listened this year to serve you the full experience."


Im not sure how this is the case because I use spotify pretty much everyday and should definitely enough data for this playlist, I had a 2016 playlist so why wouldnt it work this year? 


Anyone know of any fixes?

62 Replies
Marked as solution

FIXED I had the same problem, tried different browsers and iphone and mac, as well as the fix posted on reddit to be put into the chrome console. None of it worked and i continued to get the "not enough data error message". Out of curiosity I opened Spotify on my mac and simply searched in the search bar "Your Top Songs 2017" (same name as last years playlist but with current year) INSTEAD of clicking on the Wrapped link that leads you to the facebook sign in and error message. It was right there! All I had to do was follow it. Hope this works for others. 


same problem here. I really want to know my top, but is impossible cuz this bug.

me too, sad

Thank you!!! This was the only fix that worked for me

**bleep** Spotify... also the code didn't work for me, it still said there was something that went wrong. 

I'm having this same issue! I tried the chrome console fix but that just gives me a "Hmmm....somethings gone wrong" errror. (Also, it should be "something's" 😛 )

there seems to be a different error thats causing it for everyone. mine seems to be this:

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED


ive tried every solution on this forum but none has works so far, i tried fixing this specific error but its still apearing on the console. 

ive been looking forward to this and im not going to miss it

spotify? **bleep**ing help me.

I'm pretty sure mines not working because im currently suspended from FB... which is stupid i dont understand why my facebook needs to be part of this equation.

Ive tried all the availible solutions and I still havent been able to get my stats and stuff 😞 this has never happend to me before, Ive been a daily spotify user for a couple years now.

The chrome console fix did not work on me. I tried a bunch of times alreadyy.. Someone helppp

Screen Shot 2017-12-10 at 10.10.11 PM.png

I am also still getting these error messages after trying pasting this into the console, and also this one. I tried Both seperately, and together. Nothing works. Sometime I get a different error message that just says "Hmmm. Something is not working". I'm a premium user and I listen to music almost everyday, I should definetly have enough data. 


I did get the playlist atleast by searching for it in the program.

Still not working for me. Have already inserted the code in consol and now I'm getting this message?


Seeing the same issue. Have raised as an issue with Spotify support. Hopefully it will be fixed.

Don't count on it. I also contacted support through twitter, this was their reply:


"Hey! Help's here. We’re sorry you didn’t get the full Wrapped experience this year. The good news is that we’ve made two personalized playlists just for you. Check them out at"


Following the link only shows me the generic 2017 playlists, none of them are based on my listening history in any way.

Yeah that's not very helpful. I'm purely interested in how many minutes I've listened to in 2017. Their API doesn't seem to expose this either. I miss the usual e-mail approach!

It really is a shame that it's only working for some people. I can't believe that they don't hav enough data. I'm listening everyday and have been a premium user since 2012.


I'm just disappointed that their solution is two playlists that have nothing to do with the music I'm listening to. 😞

How do you search the program to get the playlist?



Spotify BS.pngI spent an hour trying to **bleep**ing resolve this ish, because I was so curious. I got this message. Spotify Wrapped sucks, this has happened two years in a row. They didn't send me an email AND I HAD THE EMAIL THING CHECKED! It's pretty BS when they mess up and keep messing up and say "oopsies, we'll fix it soon :)" If there were another, better streaming service, I'd switch in a heartbeat.

That sucks. I had the same problem (this year and last year.) Spotify should fix this, but they won't, because they suck.

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