Help Wizard

Step 1


someone using my account


someone using my account

Someone keeps logging into my account and listens to the music, makes new playlists etc. I tried the "sign out everywhere" option but it doesn't work, the problem keeps coming back. I'm logged into spotify from facebook and i've changed facebook password and did the "sign out everywhere" again but it didn't help. 


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Your Spotify is linked to yor Facebook, your Facebook is linked to your mail. If your email is compromised, anyone can request a device password and get into your account!

And you do have a username. It should be a string of letters or a string of letters AND numbers. Just go to, head to Set device password and you'll see your username ๐Ÿ™‚

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8 Replies

Hey @Cloudx, welcome to the community!


That's no cool, as you tried all that. I recommend you get in touch with the spotify support team by using the online contact form: or by tweeting @SpotifyCares on twitter.

If you get an auto reply back directing you to the help pages, just reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the employees will get back to you as soon as possible.

Hope it works!

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Hey @Cloudx! Welcome to the Spotify Community!


Oops! Have you tried changing your device password? The unknown person could be accessing with your username and that password!


Try changing it and also consider changing your e-mail's password (the one used for Facebook should be the same for the Spotify account).


Let me know how it goes!


EDIT: Oops just saw @OptimuzKrice post, please attempt my suggestion before proceeding to contact Spotify support. Thanks!


Actually I can't set the device password and I don't have a username
because I'm logged in by Facebook, not by email.
Marked as solution

Your Spotify is linked to yor Facebook, your Facebook is linked to your mail. If your email is compromised, anyone can request a device password and get into your account!

And you do have a username. It should be a string of letters or a string of letters AND numbers. Just go to, head to Set device password and you'll see your username ๐Ÿ™‚

I tried to set that password a few times and it always said something like
"we couldn't reach your email, log out, log in and try again". But I have
just changed location and language to United Kingdom and it works but it
wasn't working for my language (Polish). What should I do after setting the
device password? Sign out everywhere?

Yes, try signing out everywhere and then see if the problem persists. If it does, then you can contact Spotify through the methods provided by @OptimuzKrice ๐Ÿ™‚

It seems to be working for now. I will monitor my account and we'll see. Thanks for help by the way ๐Ÿ™‚ I also asked Spotify on Twitter but they told me that I should make a new account and pay again for subscription ๐Ÿ˜•

Hey no probs, let me know as soon as possible if you see new unwanted activity!


P.S. That's weird that they suggest a new account... Will write that down to ask that later..

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