Help Wizard

Step 1


Unable to share music.

Unable to share music.

Every time I try to share a song, using spotify, on my s7, I keep getting the same pop up that asks how I would like to share the song. It has many options accept for Spotify itself. See the attached screen shot.

Can anyone help me figure this out?
1 Reply

The share function is currently in a period of improvement and isn't working correctly for a lot of users.... A better more 'in keeping' share option will be rolling out gradually.

I know this doesn't help you at the moment - but if you can just wait a little longer you'll see an improvement.

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

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