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Spotify 1.7.0 crashing on sync


Spotify 1.7.0 crashing on sync

Just added some new local files to my starred playlist yesterday, and app was crashing when I tried to sync (about 12 songs?)


Then today the same was happening, reinstalled the app, synced all the spotify tracks fine, then tried to sync the local files (approx 150), it made it until the last 60 before crashing. Since then it syncs a couple at a time, before crashing up until the last ~45, and now it crashes immediately upon opening the app. 


Any ideas/help would be appreciated!

280 Replies

I'm on an iPhone 5s on iOS 7.1.2 running spotify 1.7.0, and it won't open. I have tried restarting my phone, reinstalling it, and doing a soft reset, and nothing improves.

iPhone: 4s
iOS: 7.1.2
Spotify Version: 1.7.0
Playlists: about 30
Offline Playlists: less than 10
Crashes as soon as I open the app
I've gone through the reinstallation process a few times but it always goes back to crashing.
Now I have to cry myself to sleep every night because I miss my Spotify music.



Experiencing the same issue with 1.7.0 crashing after a few seconds, even after having tried all the before mentioned advices...


We all know that s... happes when releasing new updates - however, i think that with spotify, it's just a bit too often to look past. This is not the first time for me, that the app has been unusable for several days, without the option to roll back to the version taht actually worked...


This is a service that i pay $18.46 per month for here in Denmark and i expect it to work and issues to be resolved immediately - it is limited how much you are willing to pay for a service that is not available...


Get it fixed Spotify...



Hey everyone, Spotify staff here. Our teams are still on the case and believe they've identified the main issue here.


The fix won't be pushed in the next Spotify iOS app update but hopefully it will be in the following one. We will keep you updated here as always.


If you have further questions about the service please get in touch through our contact form. Thanks everyone for your understanding while we work on this for you.

@meahtenoha wrote:

Hey everyone, Spotify staff here. Our teams are still on the case and believe they've identified the main issue here.


The fix won't be pushed in the next Spotify iOS app update but hopefully it will be in the following one. We will keep you updated here as always.

Hi Meredith,


If this issue, as you state, will not be fixed in the next update, we are probably talking weeks right? Will Spotify reimburse the money we pay for at useless subscription for the time being? The iOS application is the only reason for my premium subscription, for use on the run, in the car etc.



What contact form do we use to be issued a refund?


Or will Sportify do it automatically once the issue is resolved?

Screen Shot 2.jpg

Hi Meredith,


Do you realize the app won't work for more than a couple of seconds on ios ?? using spotify on mobile devices is the main reason I (and, I believe, many of us) subscribed to a premium account.


What you must do is not release a fix in the next next version, nor even in the next version.

What you must do is release a special fix as soon as possible, and if you can't roll back to previous version.


I mean people just can't use your app, for christ's sake !


Hoping for a quick solution to this problem,






ps. personnaly refund or not refund is really not the problem.

The team working on the fix may want to consider that iOS 8 is rolling out today as well. Be sure that the crash fix works with 7.1.2 and 8.0. I'll hold off on the OS update as usual, but something to think about.

What the HELL is going on Spotify. I am absolutely pissed off after reading your comments here - the 'fix' is not going to be out till the next NEXT update?!?!


I pay $10 a month and this is the 'premium' service I get? This fix should be instituted NOW, and refunds given for the time we were unable to use the service.

I am using iOS 8 and version 1.7 of the Spotify app and it is working fine for me. 


I suggest trying to upgrade to iOS 8 today (will be released shortly) and see if you still have problems with the Spotify app. 

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Spotify, please prorate a refund/credit for the inability to use a service Im paying for.

"Spotify, please prorate a refund/credit for the inability to use a service Im paying for."


This.  This is absurd.  This shouldn't be fixed TWO UPDATES LATER.  It should be fixed the same day it's reported.  You have customers paying for a service that does not work.  How many users repro steps do you need before you actually do what you're paid to do?

Just updated my phone to Ios 8.


Spotify continues to crash 2-5 seconds after opening.

I have alerted the BBB regarding Spotify's communication policy and lack of action for their premium subscribers. This glitch has helped display just how terrible Spotify's customer service is.


I encourage you all to submit these complaints as well - Hopefully, upper management will hear our cries for better service. 

So when will I be receiving my refund? Because this is absurd. Every other free service works perfectly fine, but this won't be fixed for weeks? Not acceptable. If this is the kind of customer service your company has I'll be removing myself from it.

Hey everyone, our latest iOS update is out today (1.7.1). As soon as I have an update on the next update I will let you know here.


This update (1.7.1) contained a few fixes for users that had been previously solved. We wanted those fixes to reach iOS users ASAP while we continued to investigate this new crashing issue. Hopefully we will have an update for you regarding this issue in the next possible iOS app release.  


We’re in constant communication with the teams regarding this issue. I’ll update this thread as often as I can. Thanks again for your understanding while we work to fix this for you all as soon as possible.



@mmlorah @hab32 @jrbevis @GregRampage @joshtan123 @yannick1976 @cwldk  - Could you all please go ahead and reach out to us via the contact form? We can then take a bit of a closer look at your individual cases--thank you!

@jrbevis wrote:

Just updated my phone to Ios 8.


Spotify continues to crash 2-5 seconds after opening.

Hey @jrbevis just following up as we're gathering info. Have you tried a clean reinstallation recently? 


After the reinstall, is the app crashing before or after you sign in? Are you seeing the log in screen at all?

I get that everyone's getting up in arms about refunds and not being able to use the app, etc etc.


Just to mention that if you want to use the app (albeit not at full capacity) you can delete it and sync all non-local files from playlists. Might result in some severe cuts from favourite playlists but it does at least provide the tracks you dont already own.

The local files should theoretically also be available through itunes/etc so you can listen to those too - just not through the same app until it all gets sorted. Not the perfect situation, but at least provides the ability to use the app whilst we wait for a fix.


This is ridiculous. First we have to wait several months and still haven't got my music on the ipad app. Now I updated my IOS to version 8 and I can't use spotify at all. Come on I'm on vacation and now have no music at all. This is a premium service?what a dreadfull service you've got there.

Thanks for ruining my last part of the vacation and my roundtrip to home of nine hours! With no music, I'm beginning to develop a hate against you.
No! Reinstalling doesn't give a sh**

I know what u mean! Since release day of the update not working here anymore.
Can't re sync because i am on vacation also (since I got a lot of local files, but also because Internet is here like 100kbps max and goes down ALOT. Or stream because it costs a few euros each MB.

tbh here on a total 15 hour flight home now. Cheers.

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