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Spotify Feedback


Spotify Feedback

Hi Spotify developers (and management),


First off, congrats for developing an awesome concept.  If you hadn't thought about it already, music lovers run out of space for music on their mobile devices, so streaming music over Spotify allows us to keep our "old" handsets longer and still listen to all the music we love.  Kudos!


But I'm worried that Spotify has recently lost its way.  Your customers really don't care that you made a deal with Coca-Cola.  Especially your PAYING customers.  Fix your desktop app issues please ("Failed to enable Spotify social", friends list continually "Loading...").  Continue to improve your iOS and Android apps.  And for god sakes, put out an iPad app ASAP!!!  (as an aside, if you want something to emulate, check out the DirecTV app for iPad -- constantly improving, adding new features like streaming, nice UI)


I will say that allowing mobile streaming & syncing at "Extreme" bandwidth is awesome, but honestly, this is 2012.  You guys need to figure out a way for the app to automatically pick the "best" speed based on real-time network conditions.  For instance, while I'm driving in my neighborhood, Extreme works great, without skipping.  But the second I get to the on-ramp to the freeway (especially around rush hour), I've got to go into the settings and manually drop down to Low Bandwidth, then restart the track, just so that any music comes out.  The Stream & Sync setting should allow the user to cap their bandwith usage in case they have limits to maintain.


You guys started on the right path, but have gotten a little confused about your direction.  Without your fan base, marketing deals mean nothing.  So please, remember to focus on your users?


Thanks again,



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Hey chicagogreg, thanks for your feedback. We really do welcome it.


What I'll say is that we are always working to make Spotify bigger and better. This means working on bug fixes, improving app features, developing new platforms, etc as well as marketing deals. This is all being worked on, I can promise you, though because it's all behind the scenes it might not always look that way.


Your idea for automatically determining the 'best' syncing/streaming option is one I haven't seen before. It might be worth posting it over in the Ideas board for it to attract more attention. I think it would be a nice feature.


And for us, music will always be at the forefront of our thinking. We are really excited to see the company grow and we hope you feel the same.

Check out our Twitter for the latest updates on any service issues: @Spotifystatus

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Hey chicagogreg, thanks for your feedback. We really do welcome it.


What I'll say is that we are always working to make Spotify bigger and better. This means working on bug fixes, improving app features, developing new platforms, etc as well as marketing deals. This is all being worked on, I can promise you, though because it's all behind the scenes it might not always look that way.


Your idea for automatically determining the 'best' syncing/streaming option is one I haven't seen before. It might be worth posting it over in the Ideas board for it to attract more attention. I think it would be a nice feature.


And for us, music will always be at the forefront of our thinking. We are really excited to see the company grow and we hope you feel the same.

Check out our Twitter for the latest updates on any service issues: @Spotifystatus

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Hi Richard, good response. Keep Spotify up. ๐Ÿ™‚


You just need to add Extreme sound quality to Windows Phone app and then I would be happy.



I would also like to be able to listen to my playlist directly over the Homepage without to download a software. Like Grooveshark.

Because lot of people working in an office can't install the software on there pc because they dont have admin rights.


For the rest I am very happy with spotify so far.


P.S I also wait for a good ipad app........ and please be the first to launch an app for Windows 8 ๐Ÿ™‚





I have also two simple things/improvements which would make life easier. In spotify to android-software: To add "play queue" menu and in exist playlist possibility to sort tracks by 'added' or artist. Thanks


Hey sebri, thanks for the feedback.


You'll see community member licensed has gathered together quite a few of the common Android feature requests here, yours included. So we're on the case!


And feel free to submit or vote on any further ideas you have on our ideas board

Check out our Twitter for the latest updates on any service issues: @Spotifystatus

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Hey Spotify,


Love the service, but there are still a few things it doesn't have that keeps me holding on to bloated iTunes and my existing music collection...


Remote: I love being able to control my home PC's iTunes from the "Remote" app on my iPhone connected on wi-fi!! Would it be possible to control my PC Spotify client with my iPhone app? Also, let's say I'm listening to something on my mobile when I'm out and about, then I come home and want to continue listening on my PC sound system from the same spot in a song: how awesome would it be to be able to transfer that track directly to my PC Spotify client and have it keep playing when I take out my headphones?!


PC Keyboard media buttons don't work: I have a Logitech Wave keyboard with media buttons to play/pause and skip tracks. Works great with iTunes but doesn't work with Spotify! Any fix for this? Logitech software wouldn't allow any custom configurations to work with Spotify. Also, play buttons work fine on my Macbook when Spotify is open, but it does get confused when iTunes is also open. When neither app is open, pretty Play will open iTunes. So annoying!


Also, please do a better job of highlighting new albums, artists, etc. iTunes Store does a MUCH better job than your "What's New" page. Get some more editors on that and step it up!! You should be a one-stop shop for all things music!!


Hope to see great improvements but love the service!

Just a thought Spotify:  Could you make tabs in your desktop application so I can keep more than one artist's page or album open at one time?  I always get sidetracked by some idea to search for a song and then can't remember the album I was listening to before that I wanted to finish.  Tabs like Google Chrome or Internet Explorer have would be great!  Thanks!

@mbear wrote:

Just a thought Spotify:  Could you make tabs in your desktop application so I can keep more than one artist's page or album open at one time?  I always get sidetracked by some idea to search for a song and then can't remember the album I was listening to before that I wanted to finish.  Tabs like Google Chrome or Internet Explorer have would be great!  Thanks!

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Check out our Twitter for the latest updates on any service issues: @Spotifystatus

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Hey guys, great service. I like how you have picked up advertising to make ends meet and deliver a great product. What I don't care for are the condom ads that are popping up. My kids listen to the service and don't really need to be hearing about ribs, lubricant and pleasure dots for his and her orgasmic satisfaction. Can we do without this stuff?



Hey there again!


The workaround for this is paid subscription or change your age in Spotify profile something like 15.


Spotify use your profile information for ads, so change your age to 15 and you can live without those condom ads!


I'm sorry there is no official solution to this. Also keep in mind, you need to keep right information at your account because for example when your account will be hacked, Spotify ask your birthday and email etc. So information should be right. But if you feel your password is hard, you can try this workaround.

I love Spotify and have even used it at school to share French songs with my French class. I use the free version and although the ads are annoying, we've mostly been able to listen anyway.  However, there have been several new ads that are not acceptable in my school world (one begins with the word "sex," and you can understand how promoting sex in a middle school is not acceptable to the school or to parents.)  I'm sure your answer would be for me to subscribe, which I might have considered before you allowed these offensive ads. I am now shopping for another online radio community, but thought you'd like to know why I'm leaving.

I'm in full agreement -- We like Spotify better than GrooveShark, but both my boys (18 and 15) have commented that while GS is not as good, they want to switch back because of these ads. Really, They mentioned it to their mom. It's embarrassing to pretty much anyone listening with anyone else in the room. I get that a large part of your market is the target audience for these products, but listeners should have a way to screen or opt out of "adult" ads.

I'm gonna agree with this being an issue. I realize this is "internet" radio and not public radio so maybe that's analogous to cable TV vs. public/free TV. But even in that situation, condom ads would have to be after main viewing time.


Spotify, I know you have to pay the bills, but can we at least move these ads to afterhours?

Hmmm. I don't think that's true. Spotify profile age doesn't seem to make a difference.


I'm 15, and just today the ads popped up on my account.

I don't mind the ads, but I listen at work... I found the ad for condoms to be quite inappropriate!!

This does not work any more.  I'm listed as 13 and am now getting condom ads again!  I have under 13 year olds in my house who do not need to be hearing these.  I really think we'll have to move to Pandora.  We'll miss you spotify! 


Also, talk to your coders, their addition is off or maybe they hard-coded something.  Someone born 1/1/2000 is 12, but your account profile age-checking function tells me I have to be 12 to sign up when I use this date.



Hi i really like spotify but i would do anything other than paying you guys to get rid of the condom adds they are annoying, embarading and now i cant use this at parties you can show any other comerical or more of them but please get rid of the condom adds i have to shut my spotify off everytime that comercail starts

Didn't mean to kudo - This work around does not work.

Hey folks!


Spotify is reviewing all ideas and feedbacks here. however it might take time to implemet things like this.


In the meantime show your love for this by adding Kudos right here.


As soon as Spotify will have news for you, you will be informed.


Thank you for using Spotify.

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