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I’ve received notice of rate increase

I’ve received notice of rate increase

I’ve received notice of a $2 rate increase on my Premium Duo account. The email message I’ve received states,  “We’re increasing the price of Premium Duo so that we can continue to invest in and innovate on our product offerings and features, and bring you the best experience.”


what exactly does this mean?  What specifically will Spotify be doing to “invest in and innovate” on your product offerings in order to bring me the best experience?  Naturally, whether I keep my account fully depends upon the specifics. Please provide details. 



94 Replies


I was trying to activate my premium student subscription and I noticed that the in app advertisement says it costs 4,99€ (after 1 month free) while when it asks me to choose my plan it says 5,99£. Why could that be? If it can help I’m studying in Italy but I’m currently in the uk.


thank you so much!



Hey there,

Thanks for reaching out.

That's because prices can vary between regions/countries 🙂 You'll always need to pay the local price.


Hope this clears things up!

MaximSpotify Star
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That’s the point, I’m not studying in the uk, I’m just here temporarily. It’s okay though, thank you for answering!

Hey @claudiadesecondi ,


Alright! If you're actually studying in Italy, you can subscribe to Premium Student when you're back in Italy and have a payment method that's been issued there.


Hope this helps.

MaximSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Do you want to make the same mistakes as NetFlix which lost millions of subscribers after their actions. €15.99 I already found expensive. But going to €17.99/month (12.5% increase) is pure madness. Clearly I think I'm going to change subscription or to leave Spotify.

It's going up by a pound per month for what reason.

It's already expensive why are u making it more expensive

  • Every so often I am told my Spotify subscription is going up to enable Spotify to innovate and give me the best experience etc. That's great, but actually the most important thing to me is the music itself. So how about using more of our subscription fee increase to pay artists a little more per stream to keep on producing the music we love?

So I get a notification that says Spotify is increasing from $9.99 a month to $10.99 a month, but my playlist Shuffle has been broken since I started using this service like 10 years ago and I've been complaining about it ever since. How much money have you taken from me without actually providing a proper service over the years? Maybe get on that. Insult to injury. 

  • It's absurd that they're increasing the prices when for the past couple years they've only been actively making the UI worse. From the nuisance of smart shuffle to the disgusting tiktokification of the front page, to this day the ability to sort by custom order on Android is still gone, and other horrible decisions, they have a lot of nerve asking for MORE money for worse content.

Got same message, but it went up from 10,99 on Individual to 11,99 EUR.

I don't mind this message at all, as I have Premium paid using Gift cards from the Prisma store (local food market) for 18 months from now. They sell 1 month at 10 euros (the before 2021 price increase number). The news article I saw said, record labels pushed them for this (they need money). It's all gone to labels, from this increase, Spotify will run at loss forever?

If applicable, go to the store and grab few 60 € Gift cards for 6 months three times to have Premium price at cheap rate.


I'v saved for more than a year €1 month using this local store method, from now on savings are doubled: €2 month.


Actually I plan to grab another 6 mo card just in case because they can be redeemed within 12 months.

No explanation for price increase. Why? 

All Spotify is saying is if you don't like it then cancel. Are your users 5? Explain why the increase Spotify!

If I didn't have my partner's account with mine and me having over 8000 songs. I'd be happy to cancel too. They can't even give us a proper UI and now they want more? Are they trying to dig their own grave?

And we know they don't need it, they're a giant corporation who is very much NOT struggling to make ends meet. This is pure greed.

I am **bleep**. Or I'm sorry,livid if they want to put "bleep".  Spotify is making me hate them. Too bad it's my main source of music.


I didn't even get an explanation with my price increase. Total **bleep**

It's a shame to increase prices like that. I have three chidren they use Spotify every day with familly premium. And now you took me in hostage, I have to pay 2€ more each month or to explain my teenager chidren that they will Lost their music acces. Do i really have a choise...

Price hikes are getting to be ridiculous. No new improvements. Nothing to sgpevforvthe extra charges. I enjoyed a time before when streaming was free/cheap and ad free. 


Dear Spotify Customer Support,


I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my deep disappointment as a loyal customer of Spotify for the past eight years, particularly with regard to the recent changes in pricing for the Family Premium plan.


Over the years, I have enjoyed the vast collection of music and the convenience that Spotify has provided me and my family. The Family Premium plan has been a reliable source of entertainment, and I have appreciated the seamless experience it offers for multiple users. However, I have noticed a significant increase in the subscription cost without any clear explanation or justification.


As an avid user, I am perplexed by the decision to charge more for the Family Premium plan, especially considering Spotify's expansion and growing audience base. It seems counterintuitive that the costs should rise while the company benefits from a larger customer base and greater revenue streams. This leaves me questioning the rationale behind these price hikes.


Furthermore, I am concerned about the issue of data collection and its implications. While I understand the importance of data in enhancing services, I believe it should be handled with transparency and utmost respect for user privacy. If Spotify is profiting off our data, I would appreciate a clearer understanding of how this process occurs and how our information is being used.


As a loyal customer, I feel that my concerns and those of other long-term subscribers deserve a proper explanation. I kindly request that you address these points and provide insight into the reasons for the pricing changes and data usage. Transparency and open communication with customers like me will strengthen the trust and relationship we have built with Spotify over the years.


I truly value the quality of service that Spotify has provided me, and it is my hope that my concerns will be acknowledged and addressed in a timely manner. I look forward to hearing from you soon and finding an amicable resolution to this matter.


Thank you for your attention to my concerns.




Nathan Lassater


  • Why the price increase Spotify?

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