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Account Hacked. Email/Password Changed...HELP!

Account Hacked. Email/Password Changed...HELP!

Hoping someone can help me with this asap. I was listening to Spotify on my iPhone when a window popped up that said "You are listening on _____'s phone", which wasn't my name. It then logged me out and when I tried to log back in, it said the username/password were incorrect. Also when I asked to recieve an email for a password reset, I didn't receive an email. I signed up through Spotify, not facebook. I'm assuming my account was hacked and the password/email associated with it was changed. Is it possible to get this fixed and to also have all the devices using my account logged out since I am unable to do it myself? My username is lindsaysprunk. Thanks!

6 Replies

Hey @user-removed and welcome to the community!


You should get in touch with the Spotify staff using this contact form: You will need to proof that it is your account, so please be specific and add as many details (name, birthday, zip code) as you can. I keep my fingers crossed for you!

It sounds like you won't be able to use the form that @Carina provided because you don't have access to your account. With this anonymous online contact form, you can reach Support without having access to the email that was used to create that account.

Make sure to check your inbox and junk folder for an email from Spotify. Once you get it, make sure to reply back right away, even if it says it's from a "no-reply" email.


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Thanks for the quick reply. I did that already and responded back to the no-reply email along with contacting SpotifyCares on Twitter. Should I be concerned with account security or my personal info? And is there a way to log me out of all devices? Thanks again!

When did you reply to the no-reply email? It's weekend and the staff isn't working on the weekends.

And yes, there is a function to log out all devices with one click, but unfortunately only if you have access to your account overview on the homepage..

Oh, ok...this all just happened today which explains why I haven't gotten a response. Was just hoping to get it taken care of immediately and it's frustrating since it's not just a matter of resettting your password.

@user-removed - Spotify aim to response within 24 hours but it can take a little longer at weekends. Hang in there someone will get back to you as soon as they can.

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