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Account Reset

Account Reset

Does anyone know how to reset my Spotify account on iOS? I have a folder that I cannot delete. Each time I try Spotify quits. The folder is named "New Music". I do not remember creating it and it has multiple old folders nested inside of it. These folders were deleted long ago. This folder does not show up in the desktop app on my Mac. Any help would be appreciated.
3 Replies

Hi there. I went ahead and removed your empty/broken folders. Things should be back to normal now.

Community Ergo Sum

hey how can i reset my account in order to see my fb friends on spotify follow?

@WillMRC wrote:

hey how can i reset my account in order to see my fb friends on spotify follow?

Hey! Welcome to the community ๐Ÿ™‚ 


Is your account connected to Facebook? Are your friends not being displayed?



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