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Account for infant?

Account for infant?

I just signed up for the family premium plan. My wife signing up will be fine, but I wanted to have an account for my 8 month old son to play him lullabies and such when hes napping and sleeping. 


I would rather not create an email address for him so he can have his own account on this plan, is there a way to link seperate accounts to a single email?

2 Replies

Hi @shaunRoth. Unfortunately there is no way to create additional accounts tied to a single email. To create a new Spotify account you would need a new email address for it. Hope this clears things up. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. Cheers!

oh darn, thats unfortunate. 


I guess i could make an account for him, force hm to use it when hes a teenager one day.

Thanks for the quick response. 

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