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Step 1


Add Remote Family Member

Add Remote Family Member

I have a nephew who lives in another country, and would like to add him to my Premium subscription, but can't. Similarlyk have a son studying in Saudi I would also like to add, same thing. I looked at Family Plan, but member has to live in my household, how bizare, is there anything for these cases? Thanks !


1 Reply

Hi @raugsburger. The Family Plan requires that all members reside in the same household as a means of verifying that you are, in fact, family members. Unfortunately there is no way around this requirement. My suggestion would be to wait until they're home with you, and to enroll into the plan then.


Once you're all on the plan enjoying premium you could all be on separate corners of the globe, and everything would be fine (so long as you maintain the subscription), but to initially get it started you will need to be together.


Hope this clears things up for you, and sorry for not having a work-around for you. Best of luck, and I hope it works out for you all soon. Cheers!

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