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Ads on Spotify


Ads on Spotify

I understand that free accounts should have ads, but you guys play ads that have absolutely no relevance to me. Why don't you guys develop something to detect ads that MAYBE i would be be interested in? OR some kind of thing where I could skip to the next ad avaliable? Maybe....even give us an option to choose from two or so ads?

I just had to sit through an ad that played pretty much a whole Country song...and I dispise Country...also had that same thing happen with some crap Mariachi music.

Plus your ads are SO LONG...ugh!

I really like everything else about Spotify...but you ad choices are the worst. I would rather listen about how toothpaste helps fight cavities.

26 Replies

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Spotify actually continues playing an ad as long as you mute your volume or turn it way down.

It took me a while to make the connection... very crafty indeed.

So that's the answer to my complaint.

Shocking but true. 

Please someone make the Chic-Fil-A commercial stop! It's the only ad I get now and it's freaking annoying! I am fine with ads, but please give me more than 1.

RobotWookie, I completely agree.  The Chic-Fil-A ad is horrible!  Spotify, please replace that ad with literally anything else!

To save anyone else the time it took me to realize this:

Spotify knows, at least on a desktop, that you're muting or turning down your device volume.

It just picks up the ad where it left off when you put your volume back up.

Devishly devious, Spotify! And somewhat alienating to new users.

This is why you need external speakers, then it can't detect it. 😉

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Yes. Good point!

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