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Adverts in spanish

Adverts in spanish

I am getting my adverts in spanish - very annoying 

6 Replies

Hello and welcome to the community 🙂

Can you please check where your ip adress is located by using this website?

Can you also check which country you have given in your profile as well?


Please answer if this doesn't help so i will continue my research 😉

Kind regards,

Max aka. Amarro

If i helped you don't forget to leave a "Kudo" or "Accept as Solution".

( Twitter // Spotify )

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I checked my ip address and it is located in ireland

and I looked at my profile and it states that I am in Ireland - which is correct ???


I am very confused now

And i think you live in ireland 😄 Is every ad on spanish or just a few? If it's "only" a few i would say it is a bug.

If all are spanish please check out this topic. Especially what @meahtenoha said 😉 (reinstallation, spotify app language settings).

If this also won't help you then please report your bug at this topic here.


Im really sorry for your issue and i hope you will soon find a solution! If you'll find the solution it'll be very awesome to post the workaround here so afterwards other users can get helped by you 😉


Good luck!

Kind regards,

Max aka. Amarro

If i helped you don't forget to leave a "Kudo" or "Accept as Solution".

( Twitter // Spotify )

What is a Spotify Rock Star and how do i become one?

Im not a Spotify Employee.

I've had this issue, as well. Both my IP address and country setting are in the US, and I've set my language to English. It's just a bit jarring when I hear an ad that I can't understand. And, of course, it does the advertising company no good whatsoever.

Same problem here, main recomendation is Viva #SpotifyLatino even thou I rarely listen to latino music and on top of that ads are in spanish. Seriously what gives? 


you are trying to be "too smart" about languages and is failing.

I tried reinstalling Spotify, it didn't help, I set things to the U.S., still nothing, language is set to English, and I tried going into advertisement settings and went to the website it directed me to and it all came up in Spanish.... I don't read Spanish, so this didn't help either.

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