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Buying premium without subscription

Buying premium without subscription

Hey there, is there any way to buy spotify without subscription? Like I have to pay manually every month? I don't want to link my credit card to my paypal. Thanks. 🙂

3 Replies

Hey MiraCZ 🙂


You can buy gift cards or an E-card if you'd prefer not to have a subscription. 


To purchase an E-card, just head to


To see where you can find a gift card, just head to


Hope this helps!

Thanks for the fast answer, but there are differences in price, normal subscription cost 3.6€ per month and this ecard cost 5.99€ per month in Czech Republic. 

@MiraCZ - Normal Premium subscription price in CZ is 5.99 EUR. Is the 3.60 EUR for Unlimited maybe (which you can't pre-pay for I'm afraid).

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