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Can't pay for my spotify!

Can't pay for my spotify!

Hi guys! I joined spotify when I was in the US two years ago. Then when it came to Italy (my home country) I changed country from that account. Now I am in Ireland and I will be working here for more than a year, so I changed agai my country into Ireland.

The problem is that I have ran out of my 10 hours.. and I want to pay for Premium but I can't use any of my italian credit cards!! I don't have an Irish card and I don't know what to do!! I really love Spotify guys and I have always been promoting it with friends but you have to solve this!!!

2 Replies


Hey 🙂 


You should be able to pay for Spotify Premium using your Italian card without issues, even if you are in Ireland. 

Are you getting a specific error message? 



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