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Converting premium to student premium

Converting premium to student premium

Hi there!

Have just signed up to a student account via unidays. I already had the £9.99/ month premium account.

I logged in and used my existing account to make the student account, following the steps. I did have to put debit card details in again though and have a reciept for this. When does the student subscription start?


Please can you confirm 1) that this has switched over and that I wont be charge twice a month and 2) that I wont loose the rest of this month's fee. 


Many thanks


1 Reply

Hey @Ellajprice, welcome to the Community!


You can check when you'll start paying at the discounted rate here. You shouldn't worry about being charged twice, but in the event that it happens, don't hesitate to let us know.


Hope that helps 🙂

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