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Country Settings / Restriction

Country Settings / Restriction

I really love Spotify and actually setup an account and payed subscription for it for many month.

Unfortunately I struggeled with some country settings due to the company I work for do have the internet connection out of U.K. while I do live in Switzerland.


I understand that companies controlling licensing fopr the owners are strikt and not alligned to todays connected world.

Becasue of ongoing troubles and concerns in regards to locations (I do travel quit a lot) I stopped paying for any of these services.


It's frustrating that licensing restrictions actually do kill business!

A shame to see that illegal downloads are still more convinent and trouble free - The music indiustry should start to learn.

I know it's not your problem, but felt this has to be told!




4 Replies

Trouble free, eh? My only words of caution is to be careful, some illegal websites are getting blocked by ISPs, and in the UK in a few months they're sending out letters to anyone illegally downloading 😛



This post was by Taylor - I do not work for Spotify!
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I'm not saying that I do that (Illegal Downloads) - though in Switzerland this is not illegal. I'm actually quite a good customer of iTunes, even if I think the cost is rediculous high, compared to the old CDROM way...


I feel bad for services like spotify who showed innovation and allowed a different business.

What I do is that I search for music at Spotify and if I really want it I buy it at iTunes.....


And again the main thing is convinience - Either location based access creates problems or it can't get put offline e.g.

(And I don't want to maintain two distinct music libraries)


Again, as long as I need to be carefull where I am when travelling to get access to content I simply don't use the service / don't buy the content.



Spotify Premium and Unlimited give you unlimited abroad access time, so if you had a paid subscription you will never run into any country issues on Spotify. The only caveat is you can only access the catalogue of the country you are subscribed in.

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Didn't try again... I remember when I wanted re-subsribe I was in the office (so my IP came from London) and the system wouldn't let me go ahaed due to my location. I know it's not spotify's problem, but as an end-user simply don't care where I am and what I need to do to be allowed to buy something....


As long as the music/movie industrie doesn't accept that we don't care about their busness model even if we're willing to pay for it - I'm simply buyng much less than I would otherwiese. Besides the point that there are so many ways to overcome these restrictions (VPN's or different accounts in different regions).


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