Spotify is quite a bit better than Pandora so I switched over to it and setup a premium subscription. My debit card was lost so I had to put a new one into your system. Your payment screen tosses an error about ZIP code (after I was never given the chance to enter a ZIP code) and then fails to accept my new card. I put in my debit card information after this odd ZIP code error and your system promptly rejected it even though it works fine with every other online vendor. I waited a day and tried again with the same results.
I created a ticket and your support staff replied that they had deleted the previous debit card entry and it should work. I tried again and, of course, I received the same error. I replied back and then the next reply I received basically said "well, that usually works but it didn't this time" with no resolution. Please feel free to look all of this up by my username in your support system.
Shortly thereafter, my account reverted to the ad-supported version of Spotify and a new error appeared, which is apparently rampant in your system. Spotify plays one song and then stops for no apparent reason. I've found multiple threads in your community support system with no obvious resolution that doesn't involve me wasting more of my time troubleshooting your software.
Now, let's put this in perspective. Your poorly coded system has prevented me from giving you money to continue my account. You're losing my subscription based solely on the fact that your system will not allow me to pay you for the services you provide. According to these forums, I'm not the only one. Both your payment interface/gateway and your software are not working properly. Given that I, like most, use Spotify for entertainment, and that there are other options available, I'm not going to waste my time dealing with poor quality control or undertrained staff. It's just not worth it to have to fight over something as simple as being able to listen to music at work. I just loaded Pandora up in my browser and moved on. I'm not going to spend an hour fighting with your software when I can just go elsewhere for the same services and have it -work-.
I'm not posting this publicly to go "haha, you suck" or anything of that nature. I'm simply, as one business owner to another, putting it out there so hopefully the right person at Spotify sees it. I don't know exactly what the problem is over there but you're bleeding customers and I'm now one of them.