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Everything gone ...? Help ?!

Everything gone ...? Help ?!

Hi, I must apologize first for my bad level in english but I have a very special and boring request to do ...


I was listening to my music on spotify as usual, then from nowhere appeared a Window : "You must logging" ... So I closed it, and spotify closed the same way...

I launch Spotify again and I type my email adress + password.

Then Spotify open ... EMPTY ... No more Playlist, No More Favs... Arround 4 years collecting music and organization gone ?!


... WORST, my account in no more considered as Premium ...? I bought 1 month premium as usual, and I can't have it ?!


I hope I'll get good answers or I'll think about changing the way I'll listen to music...

5 Replies

Sounds like a duplicate account issue, David (the mod) will probably be able to sort you out.
First was the record, then the cassette, the CD, then came along Spotify... that really did change everything!


George is correct - it was a duplicate account. I've now deleted this, and you should be able to get back into your original account using your "kobaru" username rather than your email address.
Airhorn Enthusiast

My account did the same exact thing! How do I fix this!? HELP!!!!



You've created a duplicate account as well. Not to worry, that's been deleted for you. 


Please log out and log back in using your original Spotify username (not your email address).



hi david!


Im having the same issue nearly. When i logg in through my account with my spotify logg in, it shows that im logged in through my brothers account..but yet all the playlists are mine! And when he logs on on his it shows my playlist aswell.


Help please!

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