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Facebook Profile Currently Playing on Spotify Question...

Facebook Profile Currently Playing on Spotify Question...

So I want my Spotify information to be posted on my facebook profile main page...I've made everything on private, except now I've made it to where my "Currently Listening to" is public. Up until yesterday, it would post on my page, all activity in which I've played or edited through my Spotify. Now it's disappeared, it no longer shows up. Sure, I can go through several steps, and go to "activity log" and it then shows all, but it's not coming up automatically displayed on main profile page as it was. All that's there now is, a "Spotify" section, in which all it shows, is music that was starred, which is a ton, and I don't necessarily want. I want what's currently being played, or playlists updates, etc...and for that to be shown on my profile page. Any help?...

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