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Family plan

Family plan

I don't have Telia, does that mean I can't have a family plan? Not going to switch to Telia either, happy with Comviq...
4 Replies

Spotify's own family plans where announced yesterday and are coming soon, so no need to swap. 


Keep an eye on for details when it becomes available in your area. 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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With my Spotify Premium Account, I can use 3 devices to listen my music.

If I add a member of my family, does it have the same condition of use ? 3 devices ?


No, the family member can also have 3 devices as far as I am aware.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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ok, you said "no" but in fact it was my question : does the new member have also 3 devices ?

so the answer is yes ๐Ÿ˜‰

sorry for my bad wording...

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