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Google Home and Premium - Not Linking


Google Home and Premium - Not Linking

Hi - I have a premium account.  I am logged into the premium account on the same device with the Google Home app.   I've logged out all other devices just to be sure.  Google Home keeps coming back with "Spotify requires a premium account to work with Google Home."   It is beyond frustrating.   Any help is appreciated.

36 Replies

I was having the same problem, i.e. I could play music on my GH but it would not play specific requests because it said I didn't have a Premium account.  (This is because when I first got my Google Home Smart Speaker I didn't have a Spotify Premium Account.)  Here's step by step what you do to fix it if you have signed up for Spotify Premium:


- Open Google Home app

- Click the "menu bars" in the top left-hand corner

- Click on account preferences

- Click on manage connected accounts at the bottom

- This will show Spotify but NOT Spotify Premium

- Click unlink

- Go back to manage connected accounts

- Click link and select Spotify Premium enter user and password

- Exit and wait about 30 secs before asking your Google In home to play a song OF YOUR CHOOSING


This worked!  I hope this helps those who set up their Google In Home without first having Spotify Premium but subsequently signed up ... it requires a manual de-link and then re-link as described in the steps above.  K Dietrich  Placentia, CA





Well I can't for the life of me change my google home spotify gmail free account to my new paid/premium icloud based spotify account. What's going on here? Once you link an account that's it, google home will only allow you to use that account, no possible way of changing accounts. Everytime I unlink there is no place to input any new account details it always automatically links my unused old free gmail spotify account. Why not require log in details everytime you unlink a spotify account, is there somewhere google has this saved old acount details so I can purge them from my phone and link my premium account? I've deleted both the home app and spotify app and started from scratch but it still wants to link my unused free gmail based spotify account. Silly. I may just dump home and Spotify and go the Alexa route as this has been something I cant get to the bottom of for weeks.

After much faff I've sorted it by simply signing out of everywhere and everything via my Spotify app and can now input my new icloud account, Home still tried to connect using my gmail account but obvs Spotify knocked it back and required a new login session. Didn't read the answer anywhere, just stumbled into it. Bizarre how the day I post to the Spotify community about a weeks old problem within an hour I have found a solution and fixed my problem. Anyway thanks to anyone who would have maybe posted and helped, I beat you to it hehe.

Having same problem and still can't get it to work. works from my phone, but the speakers (I have 2 google home) will NOT show up on my laptop! And I have the Family verion--spotify premium with 5 accounts!!!





I am having the same issue with spotify not linking to google home. I tried unlinking the account, when I try to link through the ap on my phone I get the link

I can see that I am linked on my spotify account online but when I ask google home to play my spotify it tells me I need to link my acct.



Can’t cancel Spotify premium from google home 

I had the same problem. I Couldn't link spotify as default music provider to my google home via my phone. After hours getting frustrated the penny dropped with me. I forgot about the link from my tablet. Refreshed link from my tablet and set spotify as default. Hey presstow . It worked. Hope this helps folks

Update all devices with google home attached in resetting spotify as your default music provider . It worked for me. Hope this helps solve the problem 


I have a google home and tried for an eternity to set spotify as default music provider but it doesn’t work. I’ve looked at many tips from google and spotify but none of them work. I’ve got an iphone maby it is because of that? But the probleme is that i go to music in the bars on the top left but i can’t clic anything. Could someone please help me?

Perfect. I had to disconnect it from spotify free first but when I reconnected to my account it picked it up 🙂

Thanks Kip0319, You are perfectly correct with the addition that all your devices need to follow the same unlinking and relinking. Well done.

This is horrible, my Alexa devices didnt have this issue, they just started working right after my account was turned back on. Google Home is a pain, I would rather do without this nonsense, will just skip even using the Home for music now.

Thank you so much!!! It's work . 

I had the same problem of not being able to link Spotify with GH.

After reading a lot of these posts I worked out that the default browser on your phone has to be Chrome. I would imagine it would be the same on your computer if you are using that for setting up Google Home. Its so that the GH can go directly to the correct browser and select Spotify when asked to play music.

On an Android phone, go to the Apps settings and select Chrome, then make sure it is set as default browser and also the "Browser App".

Then you will be able to link Spotify in the GH music settings.

I am not able to link my premium account to spotify.


After logging in and accepting Terms and conditions it stands still (oauth link problem)


Shot attached

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Not working with Samsung Browser. Just change your browser with google chrome and you're done!



Yay- a solution! 

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