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How to turn off Connect

How to turn off Connect

I'm a premium user and want to turn off Connect, but it doesn't seem to be possible.  I have a computer at home that's always on and a computer that I use at work.  Sometimes I'll be listening to music at work and suddenly it'll stop playing and say that music is playing from my computer at home.  This is very annoying because in addition to stopping playback, it will delete all my queued songs.  More generally, I would like the capability to disable Connect because I don't want playback syncing to occur across devices.  It's often the case that I'll be listening to something and will have songs queued on one of my laptops, then will drive and listen to music on my phone.  I'd like to be able to return home to my computer and resume listening to what I was listening to earlier.  I appreciate that the purpose of Connect is to try to make a seamless experience across devices, but I explicitly do NOT want this, and it's super annoying to me that this isn't an option, especially since a non-premium user can do just that.

2 Replies

Sorry it is not possible atm.

Yes I'm aware of that.  But the functionality is there since the behavior I want is the default for non-premium.  All they need to do is add the UI to be able to change it.  Just reporting the issue in case this use case wasn't on their radar.

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